lundi 26 décembre 2011

Ethiopia: Tuta absoluta is extending its damage to the potato tuber

Key Potato production areas in Sudan and Ethiopia are close to each other along the Blue Nile and its tributaries. The recent expansion of the Tuta absoluta in the areas south of Wadi Medni in Sudan, is pausing a serious risk across the board to the potato production areas around the upper Blue Nile in Ethiopia. Tuta absoluta has been a serious threat to Tomato production damaging both leaf as well as fruit and if went unchecked it can devastate up to 100% of the drop. Up until recently the damage to potato crop was limited mainly to the leaf part of the plant. However, during the expansion of Tuta absoluta into Sudan, the pest seems to have extended its reach to the potato Tuber as well.

Due to its nutritional value and its export potential, currently there are serious efforts, sponsored by many international agencies, to enhance the production of potato in East Africa for the purpose of providing sustainable staple food source in the region as we well as improving farmer’s earnings. The new pest can present a serious threat to such efforts and needs to be kept in check as early as possible. During the past three years and while expanding eastward from Spain along the North African coast, Tuta absoluta have caused havoc in agricultural production , devastating crops in all countries on the way, elevating prices beyond the capability of average consumer. International aid and development agencies are strongly urged to start early monitoring provide education material to the farmers to identify the risk and plan to act against the pest and limit its damage. Pheromone traps are simple and effective tool to alert farmers to the incoming risk.

Russell IPM is offering a limited quantity of free monitoring kits to Aid and development teams advising and supporting farmers in Blue Nile region of Ethiopia to help identifying any outbreak as early as possible and to take the appropriate measures against it. This offer is also extended to agricultural institutes active in this field. Enquires for this offer as well as any educational resources regarding Tuta absoluta, please contact Dr Shakir Al-Zaidi directly.
Tuta absoluta is a serious invasive pest. After devastating tomato production in South America, it was introduced accidently to Spain in 2006. Since then it has spread rapidly to main tomato production in Spain and the rest of the Mediterranean region and beyond. The problems associated with this pest are the rapid population multiplication (up to 12 generations in one year) as well as its ability to develop resistance toward synthetic insecticides within few generations.

Source :
Publication date: 12/20/2011

vendredi 16 décembre 2011

PRESENTATIONS : Joint International Symposium on management of Tuta absoluta Agadir, Morocco, 2011-11-16/18

EPPO/IOBC/FAO/NEPPO Joint International Symposium
on management of Tuta absoluta

Agadir, Morocco, 2011-11-16/18


Session 1: distribution, bio-ecology and damage of Tuta absoluta

Session 2: Current status of the tomato borer in EPPO/NEPPO countries

Fatiha Benddine IPM Strategy: A case of Tuta absoluta in Algeria 
Sobhy Temerak The status of Tuta absoluta in Egypt
Yannie Trottin-Caudal The current status of Tuta absoluta in France 
Emmanouil Roditakis & Nicos Seraphides The current status of Tuta absoluta in  Greece and Cyprus 
Valiollah Baniameri & Ahmad Cheraghian   First report of Tuta absoluta in Iran and initial control strategies 
Stephano Speranza & L. Sannino The current status of Tuta absoluta in Italy 
Liora Shaltiel Harpaz The current status of Tuta absoluta in Israel 
Khadija Ouardi La stratégie nationale de lutte contre Tuta absoluta in Maroc
Rosa Gabarra The current status of Tuta absoluta in Spain 
Bouzid Nasraoui Tuta absoluta in Tunisia: three years later?
Sakine Ugurlu The current status of Tuta absoluta in Turkey and toxicity of some insecticides
Kevin Gorman Incidence of tomato borer, Tuta absoluta, in the UK

Session 3: Control strategies: chemical control and mating disruption

Sybille Lamprecht (IRAC) Global introduction to the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee
Emmanouil Roditakis (Greece) Determination of baseline toxicity of insecticides to Tuta absoluta 
Khalid Haddi (UK) Mutations in the para-type sodium channel gene confer resistance to pyrethroids in Tuta absoluta 
Giancarlo Chiot (Italy) First results from South Europe for Tuta absoluta control using diflubenzuron with adjuvant and with/without Bt kurstaki 
Eitán Martín (Spain) Influence of Thunder® treatments on Tuta absoluta development 
Mounir Hassani (Switzerland) AA L&K: New alternative to control the population of Tuta absoluta 
Arturo Cocco (Italy) Evaluation of the mating disruption method against Tuta absoluta in greenhouse tomato crops in Sardinia 
Paolo Sambado (Spain) Early studies on the control of Tuta absoluta with mating disruption technique in Murcia region

Session 4: Control strategies: biological control

Rosa Gabarra (Spain) Prospects for the biological control of Tuta absoluta in tomato crops of the Mediterranean basin 
Jose E. Belda (Spain) Success and extension of biological control strategies for managing Tuta absoluta populations in the Mediterranean area
Hong Do (France) Improvement of integrated management against Tuta absoluta by using new egg parasitoids 
Lucia Zappalà (Italy) Adaptation of indigenous parasitoids to the invasive tomato pest Tuta absoluta in Italy: biology and behaviour of the braconid wasp Bracon nigricans (pdf)
Yamina Guenaoui (Algeria) Importance of native polyphagous predators able to prey on Tuta absoluta on tomato crops (pdf)
Guido Sterk (Belgium) Side-effects of lepidoptericides, used against Tuta absoluta, on different biological agents and pollinators

Session 5: Control strategies: integrated pest management (IPM)

Khaled Alrouechdi (FAO) Efforts of the FAO on the management of the tomato borer Tuta absoluta in the Near East region
Shakir Al-Zaidi (UK) History and current IPM strategies for the management of Tuta absoluta in the Mediterranean region
Liora Shaltiel-Harpaz (Israel) IPM of Tuta absoluta in Israel
Brahim Chermiti (Tunisia) Conception of an IPM programme to control Tuta absoluta in industrial tomato crops in Tunisia
Rachid Elaini (Maroc) Les aspects pratiques de la lutte contre Tuta absoluta dans la région du Souss, Maroc
Rob Jacobson (UK) Tuta absoluta: A season-long IPM strategy based on predatory bugs
Mario Balzan (Italy) Biological and chemical pest management strategies for the control of Tuta absoluta and their effectiveness (pdf)
Neil Morrison (UK) Investigating the potential of genetic control as part of an IPM approach for Tuta absoluta
Cristina Castañé (Spain) Integrated control of Tuta absoluta in the Mediterranean area, what can we learn for future pest invasions?
Mohammed AlQasim (Jordan) Report on Tuta absoluta on tomato at MENA region (Middle East and North Africa)


Agriculture à Biskra Lutte contre la mineuse de la tomate

le 15.12.11 | 01h00 

Afin de préserver la culture, les exploitants de la filière sont interpellés pour faire front contre toute sorte de parasites en épargnant la faune utile (abeille, coccinelle…)

La lutte intégrée contre la mineuse de la tomate, Tuta Absoluta, a été, mardi, le thème d’une journée de formation destinée aux producteurs de la tomate. Organisée conjointement par la direction de la protection des végétaux et des contrôles techniques (DPVCT), du ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement rural, et la FAO, cette rencontre a vu la participation de nombreux agriculteurs, techniciens agricoles et vétérinaires de la wilaya de Biskra que le sujet ne laisse visiblement pas insensibles. «Cette formation vise la protection de la production de la tomate par le renforcement des capacités d’intervention des agriculteurs contre ce redoutable ravageur et la vulgarisation chez les intéressés des techniques modernes ayant prouvé leur efficacité phytosanitaire», a indiqué la représentante de la DPVCT, Sofia Touadi, qui a mis en avant la stratégie de lutte contre la Tuta Absoluta, élaborée par le MADR, et qui s’appuie sur l’utilisation des phéromones sexuelles réduisant ostensiblement l’infestation du fruit.
Le ministère de l’Agriculture et du Développement rural distribué gratuitement aux fellahs 1,1 million de phéromones depuis l’année 2009. Au titre de la campagne 2011-2012, un quota important de ce produit éradicateur de l’insecte locuste, pouvant causer la perte totale des tomates mais aussi d’autres produits maraîchers, est disponible, ont assuré les responsables de la direction des services agricoles. Pour sa part, le Docteur Dridi Bachir, expert à la FAO, a exhorté les agriculteurs à redoubler d’effort pour protéger leurs exploitations contre toutes les sortes de parasites.
Il insistera sur les mesures prophylactiques, les méthodes biotechniques, la préservation de la faune utile (abeilles, coccinelles…) et l’utilisation raisonnée des composés chimiques afin de protéger, non seulement l’agriculteur et sa production, mais aussi le consommateur, l’environnement et l’équilibre des écosystèmes oasiens.
H. Moussaoui