Water: (Rain and Sprinkler) shows unexpected impact on Tuta absoluta eggs.
Experiments showed that rain water /sprinkler systems can reduce Tuta absoluta eggs survival in the field by up to 36% compared to the effect of releasing Trichogramma.sp.
In a paper published recently studying the biotic factors affecting Tuta absoluta eggs survival in the field. The effect of spraying water regularly on Tomato plants was compared to the release of the egg paracitoid Trichogramma spp. (1) Pure water managed to achieve up to 36% reduction in the survival rate of Tuta absoluta eggs. While Trichogramma spp. managed reduce the count by only 12%. These findings may help to explain the unexpected low level of Tuta absoluta infestation in open fields in Southern Europe and North Africa in the first part of 2011. Record rainfall was witnessed in the most of the Mediterranean countries. It may also explain in part the reduction in Tuta absoluta infestation in Tomato fields in Jordan which were regularly sprayed with diluted solution of Fytoclean (2) ........................................................................................... (1) Bragantia [online]. 2011, vol.70, n.1, pp. 72-80. ISSN 0006-8705. doi: 10.1590/S0006-87052011000100012. (2) A. Nahhas, Arabia IPM, Jordan, 2011, unpublished results) www.tutaabsoluta.com
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