dimanche 19 juin 2011

Effective Biological (Non-chemical) Tuta absoluta Control by Microorganism

(Strong Bacteria and Fungi Mixture Against Tuta absoluta)
Tuta absoluta is one of the most important insect pests of tomato which posing a serious threat to tomato production across the Mediterranean. This pest is crossing boarders rapidly and devastating tomato production substantially. The newly introduced pest from South America is finding the shores of the Mediterranean a perfect new home where it can breed, between 10-12 generations in a year.

T. Absoluta has a high reproductive potential. Larvae don’t enter diapause as long as food is available, and there may be 10–12 generations per year (5 in Argentina). The biological cycle is completed in 29–38 days depending on environmental conditions. Studies in Chile have shown that development takes 76.3 days at 14°C, 39.8 at 19.7 °C and 23.8 at 27.1 °C. Adults are nocturnal and usually hide during the day between leaves. Females lay eggs on aerial parts of their host plants and a single female can lay a total of about 260 eggs during its lifetime. Four larval instars develop. In Argentina, young larvae appear at the end of winter. Pupation may take place in the soil, on the leaf surface or within mines, depending on environmental conditions. When T. Absoluta does not pupate in the soil, a cocoon is usually built. The pest may overwinter as eggs, pupae or adults.

Infestation by T. absoluta has resulted in 50-100% losses in tomato. Yield and fruit quality are both significantly impacted by direct feeding of the leafminer as well as secondary pathogens entering host plants through wounds made by the pest. Larvae penetrate the fruit, leaves, or stems of host plants, creating conspicuous mines and galleries and also allowing for invasion by secondary pathogens which may lead to fruit rot. Tomato plants may be attacked at any developmental stage. Infestation by the tomato leafminer is easily detected on aerial buds, flowers, or new fruits. Chemical control is the main method of control for T. absoluta, but effective control is difficult to achieve because the larvae feed internally and develop resistance quickly.

Biology:The leaf miner goes through six stages, namely egg, three larval stages, pupa and adult. The adult leaf miners are small, yellow and black colored flies. The larvae form mines in the leaves of plants. Pupation takes place mostly in the soil.

Damage symptoms:
  • Larvae cause mines. This can lead to cosmetic damage, leaves drying out or even early defoliation. The latter may affect the yield.
  • Female adults cause feeding marks where they feed. This gives cosmetic damage to the plants. Indirect damage occurs when fungi or bacteria enter the feeding areas.
Soley’s Tuta Control Mixture:

Extract of Trichogramma pretiosum (Against adults)
Fungi Beauveria bassiana 1 Billion cfu/gr (Against eggs and larvae)
Metarhizium anisopliae 2 Billion cfu/gr (Against eggs and larvae)

For 1ha area: 1 Liter
Usage Period: Every planting
1 Liter concentrate mixture: 89 USD
Minimum order: 100 Liters

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